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Celebrate Anhui Clean Energy’s shipments to Vietnam and deliver the green energy


To deliver green energy and highlight the power of Made in China. Through the unremitting efforts of the Clean Energy staff, the delivery task of 3000 CNG cylinders to Vietnam was successfully completed.

Due to the huge amount of task, in order to be able to complete the task on time, and to ensure the quality of the product, after receiving the order, our staff did not dare to slack off , they completed a series of work including procurement, production and delivery, especially the production link, all the workers in the factory, with their own responsibilities and their own work, worked hard and finally finnished the order before the delivery date.

Here, first, we’d like to thank our Vietnamese partners, for their trust and giving us such an important task, we will continue to forge ahead, in the future, we hope to have  the opportunity to cooperate with you again. And secondly, we’d like to thank all the staff of our company, for your untiring efforts, the company is proud to have you. In the future, let’s work together to pass on green energy, inherit the spirit of craftsmanship, and highlight the power of Made in China!

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